The game is very good, keeps you playing it, but... those medals unlock issues ruin it totally. I made an over a million score 5 times already, from which only 2 registered on the highscore list. I just made a 1,2 million score, hoping that this time I will get all the deserved medals-but NOT again. I noticed that the medal for 400 length finally unlocked, so I was happy that finally I will get the one for reaching the score of a million, but to my total disappointment this medal did not unlock for the 5th time for me-is that medal even still working? 3 questions:
1. Why this game cannot just check the NG scores and unlock the medals that a player deserves?
2. Why the game simply cannot store information about the player's achievements?
3. Why the game cannot simply re-send them when I reload the page?
There are many Unity games on NG that have such features.