Nice and even partially innovative puzzle game :-) I only don't understand why my score is not on the board? Obviously yound also passed 10 000 points, but his score is only 7000.
Nice and even partially innovative puzzle game :-) I only don't understand why my score is not on the board? Obviously yound also passed 10 000 points, but his score is only 7000.
Yes, it is a bug in some way. Score is entering the board when game over. (fixed)
Thank you for your review.
I must say that the game is surprisingly addictive :-)
Requires 100% concentration all the time :-)
But for 5 stars it is not enough.
There are some irritating things in it:
1. The guy you are controlling is following the mouse movement with a slight delay;
2. Sometimes the game is creating subsequent platforms in a way in which you are unable to reach the second one from the first one:
a) first case is when you are on a platform on the very left on the screen and the next one is located to the very right or vice versa; when you add that delay I mentioned earlier - there is no way you can reach it;
b) second case: not so rarely you are not able to reach another platform even if it is just above you because of the distance between them or because the game is not considering hitting of the next platform even if you definitely touch it enough to get a bounce;
3. The double points bonuses in the current state are useless, because if you decide to pick one of them - you will likely fall. To make them useful you should add at least a one-time double height jump bonus when touching them - or an ability to click one time to reach the next platform.
If you would improve the game - I would add more stars :-) First - very good game, then - 5 stars, that is the proper sequence :-)
i Will hopfully make This polished up the menu thing Just really got at me and i uploaded
4 things:
1. Improve the controls, especially the mid-air control could use some work, for example when you want to turn around while falling down it takes too much time for ninja to react; also the wall jump could be better;
2. When there is too much red or green blood on the screen the game becomes laggy as hell;
3. Sometimes the jetpack fails to turn on immediately;
4. Could use a reset stage button.
Hi thanks for the feedback i will add this features and make and update. Thanks for play the game
Generally not bad, but:
1. Partially the medals issues finally fixed;
2. But we have a medal for finishing level 8 while... there is no level 8!
3. It is ridiculous to place a medal with requirement to have a smartphone;
4. Since Pokedex costs a big chunk of score it is even more unfair;
5. You cannot click on Pokemons till they fully enter the screen;
6. There are also problems in clicking Pokemons behind the score numbers;
7. And sometimes the game does not allow more than one Pokemon to be clicked and shrink at the time;
8. The score is random (it depends on the time left after finishing the level): one time I was waiting for almost half a minute for the first Pokemon to show up.
With these problems solved and maybe an expanded version of the game I would add one full star to my score.
First to beat! I must say that you have no idea how happy did you make me by submitting that game :-) I played the first one and I REALLY enjoyed it. This one is great as well - various levels, precise movement required, nice graphics and a unique movement scheme :-) If you'll ever plan to submit a third one - let me know :-)
The next one after the level solved by @Lipster is pretty obvious, take all available primes = go one time in each direction. Although I also don't understand why 63 on the previous one?
Hey, come on people, we can solve this! Just few levels to go ;-)
But now what the hell does that meu supposed to mean?
I thought about one thing: it would be good if you could return to the book during the game to refresh the text of the clue.
I was always missing one thing in your games: a saving feature :-)
So there is an end? :-)
The game is nice, controls and mechanics are good.
You could add few more features to make the game even more interesting, like an endless mode with a highscore board, maybe some moving obstacles, something to collect during the game etc.
One thing: the initial screen display makes the instructions too much to the left, to fix it just change the start position of the cube. Currently to see them you need to walk a bit to the left at the beginning.
The End is far away be brave to reach it .
I'm changing block's position now '
The game doesn't have any moving obstacles or things to collect but i'm looking forward that the part 2 will have more fun
I spent a lot of time making this game alone and I don't know a lot of things , it's kinda hard to make music and draw and etc , the part 2 will be better I promise !
For some reason you cannot put fruit in the basket from above.
yeah I should have changed the hitbox on the basket. Thanks for the feedback!
Joined on 2/25/14