So I beat the game, I even beat the author's score ;-) The graphics is quite nice, but the game has several flaws. The sound loop is a bit monotonous.
1. The invention of the RNG surely made making of the games way easier, but it also made them worse. There is a very small amount of games of this type that are good enough to avoid doing one thing: generating impossible patterns. It completely ruins the game. For example how can I jump over the fence, attack the enemy at the same time and even avoid the next obstacle that has been placed just behind the fence or avoid a rider coming at you? Well, it is not.
2. The same about the placement of the objects that you need in the game, another example: how to pick a weapon that is exactly INSIDE the fence?
3. And the third thing, the hitboxes. How do they exactly work? An example: there is a princess or a civilian that I should avoid, ok - no problem, they are on the upper part of the screen, but my logic is telling me that there should be some space above them to pass safely. WRONG. The hitbox ends with the obstacle's head. Or maybe my horse is so wide. But it rather isn't since when I try to hit an officer I am missing him by a pixel. Or maybe he is 1 pixel wide? The same is about hitting the riding enemies. You are riding in the same row - that's what you think - you attack, but you miss despite the enemy is just passing next to you.
If you would somehow fix those issues I would definitely rise my score.