Generally ok, but one thing needs adjustment: at the moment you can only move ninja from the right border to the left and back, without possibility of moving him only to the middle column and making him stop there.
Generally ok, but one thing needs adjustment: at the moment you can only move ninja from the right border to the left and back, without possibility of moving him only to the middle column and making him stop there.
The movement definitely needs to be changed, you cannot move with arrow keys and clicking all the time just to get minimum move... somewhat irritating after a while. There is also no hardness on the map, you can as well go directly down to the town to the left and go up the hills.
Oh, these mineral/crystal fields and the tank remind me the very first Red Alert, is it taken from this game?
How long did you play it for?
It's all original material.
One obvious thing, this "sword" looks like an axe to me ;-) There is also one minor error in the map, while coming back from the place with the crypt you don't find yourself in the place where the spider's net was, but one screen to the right from it.
Call me Spiderman! :-) But one thing is irritating, except from the 4-level one, all the further medals don't work. I tried to play the 8, 12... levels again and again, refresh the site, but still nothing.
The game is quite good, but - I don't know if it an error - the "play" button is not visible. I had to click & look for it to find it a bit below the "Instructions" button.
3 stars for encouragement for further development :-) Two things:
1. The mechanics of jumping: jumping is a bit too fast, this makes it more difficult to reach the subseqent platforms; also sometimes it seems like you are jumping through the platforms;
2. Even more important: the screen should not scroll at the time when you reach the border of the screen but much earlier, because currently you simply can get killed because you see the next enemy... when you step into him. Also sometimes you can't see where are you going to jump next.
A goog idea for a game, but it would be better if the steering was improved, currently it looks not like moving around but rather like driving a car.
Thank you for that constructive feedback!
Hey, this game rocks! It reminds me a bit the Birdinator, but with less options. I've got some suggestions/questions though:
1. The third indicator is some kind of an energy level, which runs out and sometimes is being recharged. How do I recharge it during the game? I couldn't figure that.
2. There could be more types of enemies, because at the current level the game is relatively easy.
3. I assume that the dragon rider's life can be increased by rising the base life level, but how about a separate upgrade for that?
A game with a potential, but one thing is irritating: the movement. You have a feeling that you're on the Moon or something. Also the person ypu control reacts way too slowly. There is also one illogical thing: when just passing by the platform with the rising arrows and not walking/jumping on it, why am I being hit by them?
Thank you for your review, the game had to work actually faster, but I guess the graphics are too heavy for flash to handle.. I am gonna do something with that on the full version.
About the arrow part, I know what are you talking about. It's because the collision box of the arrow is still touching the collision box of the player. No matter what platform are you standing. But I will think what I can do about that so it wont be "illogical".
Thanks again for the feedback! :)
Joined on 2/25/14