
HerbieG's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 37,709 (From 4,936 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 838,280 Points

11 Seconds

Medals Earned: 8/11 (220/300 points)

Clicking 10 Points

Score more than 450 in Clicking

Geometry 10 Points

Score more than 400 in Geometry

Avoiding 25 Points

Score 600 in Avoiding

Comparing 25 Points

Score more than 300 in Comparing

Shooting 25 Points

Score more than 350 in Shooting

Swiping 25 Points

Score more than 500 in Swiping

Chess 50 Points

Score more than 350 in Chess

Teleporter 50 Points

Score more than 500 in Teleporter

Rotating 5 Points

Score more than 400 in Rotating

Counting 25 Points

Score more than 800 in Counting

Tiling 50 Points

Score more than 550 in Tiling

13 Days After

Medals Earned: 1/9 (5/405 points)

First Blood 5 Points

Kill 10 enemies

Pyro 25 Points

Kill 50 ennemies using the grenade launcher

Watcher 25 Points

Find all the survivors

Finisher 50 Points

Achieve 100% clean shots in 5 different levels

Marksman 50 Points

Achieve 99% accuracy in 5 different levels

Untouchable 50 Points

No damage taken in 5 different levels

Upgrade Complete 50 Points

Buy all character upgrades

Veteran 50 Points

Complete the game in HARD mode

Exterminator 100 Points

Complete the game in NIGHTMARE mode

19 - Forty Hell V0.2

Medals Earned: 1/6 (5/150 points)

Mission Start 5 Points

Shoot down your first enemy

Level 1 Complete 10 Points

Escaped Level 1

Level 2 Complete 10 Points

Escaped Level 2

Mission Complete 25 Points

Escape all 3 Levels

Hell Mode God 50 Points

Unlock Hell Mode, then get a score of 250,000 or higher...

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

1976: Issue 1

Medals Earned: 1/1 (10/10 points)

1976 10 Points

Read the entire first issue of 1976

20 Waves

Medals Earned: 10/10 (445/445 points)

first blood 5 Points

destroy your first ship

first wave 5 Points

survive the first wave

doing the tutorial! 10 Points

do the tutorial

survived wave 4 25 Points

survive wave 4

5 to go 50 Points

5 waves to go

beat first boss 50 Points

beat the first boss

money in the bank 50 Points

have more than 50 funds

survived wave 11 50 Points

survive wave 11

beat the final boss 100 Points

beat the final boss

richie rich 100 Points

have more than 150 funds in the bank

2011 - A Quiz in Review

Medals Earned: 5/5 (95/95 points)

Bronze 5 Points

You did okay!

Silver 10 Points

Good job, you know some recent history!

Gold 25 Points

You did it, you sure do know your stuff!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

2015 Halloween: Escape From The Children

Medals Earned: 3/3 (175/175 points)

Find the pumpkin 25 Points

Hint: In the contribution page

Don’t touch the lever 50 Points

How many times do I need to tell you until you understand?

Bear Hunter 100 Points

Get as many bears as possible.

2016 Halloween: Escape From Coolay's Room

Medals Earned: 3/3 (150/150 points)

Ending 2 25 Points

Complete the ending 2

Ending 1 100 Points

Complete the ending 1

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!


Medals Earned: 3/6 (25/125 points)

256 5 Points

Reach a block value of 256.

512 10 Points

Reach a block value of 512.

Top 10 Points

Score 5000+ points in total.

1024 25 Points

Reach a block value of 1024.

Over the Top 25 Points

Score 7500+ points in total.

2048 50 Points

Reach a block value of 2048.


Medals Earned: 7/9 (265/465 points)

8 5 Points

Make an 8 tile.

16 10 Points

Make a 16 tile.

32 25 Points

Make a 32 tile.

64 25 Points

Make a 64 tile.

128 50 Points

Make a 128 tile.

256 50 Points

Make a 256 tile.

512 100 Points

Make a 512 tile.

1024 100 Points

Make a 1024 tile.

2048 100 Points

Make a 2048 tile.