One note at the very beginning: this took a bit longer than expected.
Obviously the more points you collect the less are still left for you, but the delay came mostly because of some life issues.
But back to the main subject: if 600 000 points was eternity, then reaching 700 000 makes you... legendary? Immortal? Hmm...
Yeah, I used the latter in my previous post, but "legendary" also fits well, because only few people reached this point.
I have to admit that at some stages of this journey I regained something: playing some of the games not for medals, but for fun with medals as a "side effect". But the hunt was still on.
The question returns again...
What now?
With enough persistence 800 000 can be possible.
There is still "some" power in my engines and in my hyperdrive.
And some fuel left...
800 000 score would surely be... godlike...
Very deep space ahead... only some asteroids on the radar.
The exploration continues.
Keep the engines running.
This mission may still not be over yet...
Imagine you earn 1 dollar for each medal point...
I definitely could quit my current job then.